I already mentioned Emma has started eating solids, but I didn’t share any cute pictures of her looking tiny in her highchair. The rules have changed a lot since Sophie was starting solids. (Weird, right? It’s been less than two years.) So far, Emma has had limited success with actually eating the food. Most still comes out. She has tried sweet potatoes, pears, squash, strawberry banana yogurt, some Gerber puffs, mum mums (sugary rice biscuits- not super healthy but something for her to hold and gnaw on), and a sausage link.
And a picture of her big sister who doesn’t seem to enjoy sharing her high chair. Oh, Sophia. She took all of Emma’s sippy cups and used that chair to climb into the high chair.
Just to clear up any confusion from my last Emma post, I think Sophie is perfect. She was perfectly tiny and is perfectly busy now. I also think Emma is perfect. She is just perfectly the right size of squish to make her mama so so happy. She is constantly observing and I cannot wait to see who she becomes.