All posts by mom


It was a tough day in regards to grooming. Poor Emma was all set for the day and had just enjoyed a nice meal when this happened

Unfortunately, she got a bath via baby wipes and went back into some comfy pajamas. And despite brushing her hair several times a day (I know it seems like overkill but it takes two seconds), her hair always looks like cotton candy.

I can’t wait until we can use a deep conditioning treatment.

Make yourself comfortable

Emma is still easier than we could have imagined. I am really waiting for the other shoe to drop. The littlest bit of fussing she may make is usually when the vibration of her bouncer shuts off. (She is actually going through AA batteries at a fairly quick pace. It takes 3 batteries, and she goes through 1-2 sets a week!)


Quick note: she doesn’t normally sleep with her neck craned like this. I fixed it after I took the picture, but apparently it wasn’t bothering her. And one of my favorite parts of footie pajamas is that sometime they add cute monkeys (or other creatures) to the feet.



My photos are very blurry today but you get the idea. Emma really likes to be told that she is pretty and that she is loved. Such a sweet girl. Particularly active and awake around 8:30 pm. She usually wants to stay up later then I do unfortunately. We’re working on it.



So big!




Well, last night Emma slept from 11pm until I woke her at 6:30am. Pretty good. Actually, it’s amazing, so I began worrying more about her weight gain (or possible weight loss).If our food scale is accurate, then she is still gaining weight. I think she needs to be back to birth weight (7lbs. 5.5oz) by Friday. We’ll update then.


I love baby smiles. I know they aren’t “real” yet but they get me so excited for when she is intentionally smiling because she’s really happy.



And because I really love her crazy hair-do




Family walk

Emma joined us for her first family walk. We still haven’t gotten a double stroller (it’s on our ever-growing list of things to do), which means we are using more “vehicles”. Sophie loves the wagon and is used to wagon rides at grandma’s and grandpa’s house, so it works pretty well.





Newborn clothes

Newborn baby clothes are meant to fit the average newborn. (Right?) Emma is about as average in size as they come and this is how her newborn pajamas fit.



Notice how the zipper gives her ample room in her chest. Anthony jokes that it’s so hard to dress her because by the time you put her legs in the clothes (which actually takes a while), she pulls them up and they are in the torso. Usually that’s where they stay.

Here’s a cute shot from our outing with Aunt Jessie and Joey. Love the look Joey is giving and Emma is going to need to start keeping her head straight or she’s going to end up in physical therapy like her big sister.


Your big sister loves you so much.
